NFL Supports Our Troops With Salute to Service

NFL supports troops

Just last week we were complaining about the NFL’s strict dress code and all of their harsh uniform rules. The NFL is this big, bad meany that won’t let players be individuals and support causes or promote anything positive. Then the league turns around and throws their support behind the past, present and former troops by giving them a visual salute heading into Veteran’s Day.

Well played, NFL. Well played.

While pro football’s take on uniforms is a bit annoying, their stand against breast cancer and with our nation’s troops shouldn’t be ignored. With no games schedule for Wednesday, the day we honor and show respect to those that have fallen, served or continue to serve, the league took time this past weekend to show their support in their NFL’s Salute to Service campaign.

Not just for show, this promotion donated $1,000 dollars to three of the league’s core non-profit partners – the Pat Tillman Foundation, Wounder Warriors Project and USO – for every point scored in games during the campaign.

That’s led to a whopping $658,000 in donations thanks to the league. And if that wasn’t cool enough, coaches and players were allows to accessorize and pay tribute by donning special camo gear.

This campaigning obviously brings custom football uniforms to a whole new level, and the league has been rolling this out for over a week now. The Salute to Service promotion has been running since November 1st, when the Arizona Cardinals and Cleveland Browns faced off. It’s not going to be done anytime soon, either, as the league will be paying respects beyond Wednesday, with the final Salute to Service branded game coming on December 13th between the San Diego Chargers and Kansas City Chiefs.

NFL fans can see the camo gear live again tonight on Monday Night Football, as well, when the Chargers host the Chicago Bears.

It’s obviously cool to see the players and coaches being able to don camo apparel, but it’s even better to see the league supporting a great cause.

Like the camo accessories the coaches and players are wearing? Excited to see the NFL involved in a worthy cause? Express your thoughts in the comments below!