NFL Unveils New 2016 Pro Bowl Uniforms

NFL New Pro Bowl Uniforms

The NFL is engulfed at the moment in one of it’s more entertaining seasons yet. The Carolina Panthers are undefeated, the AFC has three 10-2 teams and two divisions could very well be won by teams that finish 8-8 or worse.

Okay, that last part is more disgusting than entertaining, but you get the point. The 2015 NFL season is living up to – if not exceeding – expectations. Even the failures of some teams has fans tuned in and it will be very interesting to see how it all plays out.

Before it’s all wrapped up in this year’s Super Bowl, though, we get a totally different kind of entertainment when the 2016 Pro Bowl sounds off. The method of the Pro Bowl’s madness has changed greatly over the years, as it went from fan voting of each conference to two teams being drafted by legendary ex-players, with the teams consisting of a mix of both conferences.

Basically it’s fantasy football for a day, in real life.

Nike hasn’t missed the memo on entertaining and change, either. Nike recently unveiled the new 2016 Pro Bowl uniforms, dubbed the “Vapor Untouchable” uniforms. Per reports, the new custom football uniforms feature “vapor technology” which weigh less and are designed in a way that frees up players in regards to “mobility and range of motion”.

Whether it’s a trial run of things to come for future NFL uniforms, the new Pro Bowl uni’s certainly look cool and are drastically different than any other Pro Bowl uniforms we’ve ever seen.

Gone are the flashy colors that used to be more distracting than helpful, and in is a gold trim to help celebrate the league’s golden Super Bowl anniversary. It’s yet to be decided which team dons the dark grey color on color uniform, and which wears the all white, but it’s a nice contrast to what we’ve seen in the past.

Which one is better? Do you prefer one of the old Pro Bowl uniforms? Let us know in the comments below!