How to tackle in American Football

How to tackle in American Football

American Football is a dynamic and thrilling game that has been enjoyed by people all over the world for decades. It is a high-contact, competitive sport that requires precise physical and strategic skills to be successful. At its core, American Football is about two teams competing against each other in order to score the most points in regulation time. The rules of American Football are complex but can be broken down into the basics, which will form the basis of this blog.

Key Takeaways:

  • American Football requires precise physical and strategic skills.
  • The rules of the game are complex but can be broken down into essentials.
  • The two teams compete against each other to score the most points in regulation time.

In order to successfully tackle in American Football, there are several steps that must be taken. First, the defensive player must line up properly and be aware of their assignment. Proper technique is key in order to make a successful tackle while also minimizing injury risk. The defender should then read the offensive players’ intentions and take an appropriate angle to close off any potential escape routes.

Next, the defender must use proper form when executing the tackle. This includes keeping their head up, leading with the shoulder, wrapping up the ball-carrier and driving them to the ground. Finally, once the tackle has been made, it is important for the defender to make sure they have secured possession of the football by placing two hands on it until an official can signal a turnover.

It is important to practice tackling properly in order to become proficient at it. It is also wise for players to wear protective equipment such as shoulder pads and helmets while practicing proper tackling techniques. By following these steps, defensive players can increase their chances of making successful tackles and helping their team win games.

Basic Rules & Equipment

How to tackle in American Football
How to tackle in American Football

American Football is played on a rectangular field that is 120 yards long by 53.3 yards wide. The field is divided into two sides, one for each team. Each team has 11 players on the field at any given time and are split into offensive and defensive roles. The offensive team is responsible for advancing the ball downfield to score a touchdown while the defensive team tries to prevent them from doing so.

Players wear specialized protective padding, including a helmet, shoulder pads, cleats, and other protective gear. The ball itself is an oval-shaped leather or synthetic material that weighs between 14 and 16 ounces.

Offense & Defense Strategies

The primary goal of the offensive team is to move the ball downfield and score a touchdown. This is achieved by running plays designed to advance the ball, including passing plays, rushing plays, screen passes, and more. The defensive team’s goal is to stop the offense from achieving their goal. To do this, they must focus on effective tackling techniques that can bring down an offensive player with the ball.

Tackling Techniques

When it comes to tackling in American Football, there are two main techniques: shoulder-led tackles and wrap-up tackles. For shoulder-led tackles, the tackler should aim to drive their shoulder into the stomach of the ball carrier, wrapping their arms around their waist. For wrap-up tackles, the tackler should aim to get both arms around the legs of the ball carrier and drive them into the ground. Both techniques require proper form and technique to be successful.

Tackling is the physical act of taking down an opposing player who has possession of the ball. It requires quick reflexes, aggressive instincts, and proper form to be successful. The proper tackling technique begins with head-on contact between the tackler and the offensive player with their heads up and shoulders squared. The tackler should then wrap their arms around the offensive player’s waist and drive them to the ground. It is important for tacklers to keep their feet moving as this will provide more momentum and power when bringing down a player with a football jersey’s custom.

In order to be successful in American Football, it is essential that players understand and practice proper tackling techniques. Tackling correctly is the key to stopping an offensive play before it can lead to a score. With proper form and technique, players can ensure that they are in the best position to make a successful tackle.

Safety Precautions

The proper use of the protective gear is essential to ensure the safety of all players on the field. Players should always wear a helmet while playing American Football to reduce the risk of head injuries. In addition, shoulder pads and other protective gear can help reduce the risk of serious injury from tackles.


In conclusion, American Football is an exciting sport that requires both physical and strategic skill to be successful. Its basic rules involve two teams competing against each other on a rectangular field with 11 players for each team. Offensive strategies involve moving the ball down the field to score a touchdown while defensive strategies involve effective tackling techniques. Proper form and technique are essential for successful tackles, as well as the use of protective gear, such as helmets and padding. With these basics in mind, anyone can enjoy the thrill of American Football!